Is The Holy Spirit Leading Your Congregation Toward Something New?

by Doug Cushing, pinnacle associate

Launching Missional Sermon-Based Small Groups

We were nearing the end of the first year as a new church plant. Things had gone very well. We’d seen steady growth in Sunday worship attendance. Our children’s programs were off and running and we had developed sustainable partnerships with a growing list of local mission agencies. But what I was most concerned with was how this new model of missional-sermon based small groups would be received.

Sitting with those early participants to debrief our first round of small groups, this is what I heard: “Doug, we love our small group!” “The really cool thing about small group is that we got to choose our own mission project.” “This type of small group is easy. We just have to show up for worship and listen to the sermon.”

That was eye-opening. That is when I began to see how the Holy Spirit can use missional sermon-based small groups to transform our young congregation.

In conjunction with Pinnacle Leadership launching the Missional Sermon-Based Small Group initiative, I will be leading an upcoming webinar where I will share my vision for a missional sermon-based small group ministry at the church I planted. I will discuss the benefits of this kind of small group for your church and lay out a process for you to launch missional sermon-based small groups in your church.

If you’d like to learn more about this exciting new initiative, please click HERE. If you want to take a deeper dive into the possibility of launching missional sermon-based small groups in your church, you can purchase my book HERE and you can learn more about the benefits of having me coach or lead a retreat on missional sermon-based small groups HERE.

We believe that the innovative ways missional sermon-based small groups integrates Sunday worship, weekly fellowship and prayer, Christian formation and hands-on, local mission will help your church to encounter the Holy Spirit and equip your congregation to join Jesus in mission in your neighborhood.