Pinnacle Announces Transforming Church Initiatives

Everyone involved in church leadership is keenly aware that church-life is rapidly changing. When Pinnacle began ten years ago, we found ourselves having to convince churches that large changes in our contexts were rising. Now we don’t spend our time this way, since everyone knows our world is shifting as we speak.

Currently, so many churches are focused on the next chapter in the story….how to transform so that we faithfully live into the good news of Jesus while partnering with God who is bringing the kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. The large scale changes in our world have brought us to a pivotal time, with so many of us yearning to be invigorated missional churches.

Given the unfolding story of God’s Church, we are delighted to announce Transforming Church Initiatives (TCI). TCIs are substantive processes designed to cultivate healthy, missional progress for churches and denominations. Many churches and denominations are already using components of these TCIs, yet they have evolved to more robust covenant partnerships for furthering progress.

We are eager to talk with those who are curious and have questions. Our prayer is that Transforming Church Initiatives will intersect with churches and denominations for whom these processes will contribute to the unfolding story of God among them.

The following questions and answers further describe TCIs, while there’s far more information on our website. Also, you may want to take in the introductory webinar on January 7 with Mark Tidsworth. SIgn up here.

What are Transforming Church Initiatives (TCI)?

TCIs are one or two year processes focused on engaging healthy, missional adaptive change in churches or denomination-based communities of practice. When one of our three TCIs is right for you, we form a covenant agreement for support, then engage in learning, growth, and implementation. Pinnacle provides guidance through training, coaching, and partnering. Single churches pursue TCIs or denominations gather churches into a community of practice for mutual support, cross-pollination, collective intelligence, and accountability. Then we work together toward churches living into their best selves.

When might our church pursue participation? Does it matter if we are vibrant versus struggling as a church?

Whatever level of health and vigor, your church may be ready for a TCI. Take a look at the following bullets describing when church or denomination participate.

  • When the Spirit is rising in your church, prompting you toward becoming more

  • When you are leaning toward the future, eager to embrace church-as-it-is-becoming

  • When you are looking for a clearly defined pathway toward transformation

  • When you are ready to form partnerships of mutual support and collaborative learning and growth

  • When your church needs a clear agreement for healthy change

  • When your church is hungry for an invigorated faith

  • When your church is not content with maintenance ministry or the status quo

  • When your church must change in order to remain viable

  • When your church needs more than strategic planning for gaining traction

How do we know which of Pinnacle’s 3 TCIs is fitting for our church or denomination?

The first answer is that we are glad to learn your church’s story and then help you discern your course of action. The second answer is the brief introduction below, followed by clicking on our website for more information.

Making The Shift – This TCI is for those with some level of openness considering adaptive moves, while focusing their sense of mission and vision. This initiative raises awareness about the world around us, followed by pursuing three life-giving callings of the 21st century church. Learn more here.


Farming Church – This TCI is for those who need more cultivation before initiating change. Farming Church begins with a Readiness Inventory, followed by engaging the seven key cultivations which position churches for healthy forward movement. Learn more here.


Personal Design – Some churches or denominations may need uniquely-designed processes given their evolving story. This TCI begins with us learning your story, gathering your hopes and dreams, followed by designing a process for you. Learn more here.

Helen Renew