The Gospel According to Waffle House

By Ronnie McBrayer

Reviewed by Tommy Deal, Pinnacle Leadership Associates

Ronnie McBrayer is a writer, a story teller, a seeker, a preacher and a downright nice guy. In his latest book, The Gospel According to Waffle House-Reimagining the Community of Faith, Ronnie gives his prescription for a successful church today—replicate the philosophies that have made Waffle House effective.

In his humorous way, McBrayer challenges his church upon his return as its pastor to be different. He writes, “we don’t need more churches as we have previously known church…We need these things we call churches to look more like Waffle House restaurants.” Now, before one discredits his proposal as grease-filled heresy, this reader suggests that he does have a point.

Shouldn’t the church, like Waffle House, always have the door open? Shouldn’t anyone be able to find something on our menu they would like? Wouldn’t it be great if we were always cramped at church and finding a seat was a little difficult? And, shouldn’t church be a great place for locals and newcomers to meet and get together?

McBrayer delves into the success of Waffle House with a little look into Joe Rogers’, the founder, business model. Rogers states that they are not in the food business, but the people business. Thus, the real reason you are always greeted so affectionately. The church would do well to be so open and welcoming. Church should be a place in which folks come and get their fill of what they need, and when they leave they look forward to the next time they can come to repeat the experience.

The Gospel According to Waffle House-Reimagining the Community of Faith is a short book full of wonderful insight, humor and mostly encouragement for the people of God to be different in a warm and welcoming way so that anyone who ventures by will want to come in and experience for themselves what it is that makes it so memorable.

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